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“Dear Baby Mommas”

Got 4 “baby mommas” holding me down.

Sitting here in a eight by six feet jail cell “reminiscing about the hell I caused, [but]

I can always depend on my [baby mommas]

“'Cause when I was low you [all] was there for me

And never left me alone, because you [all] cared for me

You [all] always [stayed] committed...I’m reminiscing on the stress I caused...huggin [you all] from a jail cell...Although, the words are not mine to tell, but damn, “'...when I was low you [all) was there for me

And never left me alone, because you cared for me,

Shit, “ain't nobody tell us it was fair” feel me on this. Now a man and father with no father to raise a man, feel me?

“They say I'm wrong and I'm heartless,

but all along I was looking' for a father, he was gone

No love from my daddy, 'cause the coward wasn't there...cause my anger

Wouldn't let me feel for a stranger

[and when] I was lookin' for a father, he was gone

I hung around with the thugs

And even though they sold drugs

They showed a young brother love”

But, real talk “...poor single [mothers] on welfare, tell me how you [all do] it?

And I could see you [all] comin' home after work late

You're in the kitchen, tryin' to fix...a hot plate

You just workin' with the scraps you was given

And...making miracles every Thanksgivin'

But now the road got rough, you're alone

You're tryin' to raise [our] kids on your own

And there's no way I can pay you back

But my plan is to show you that I understand

You are appreciated

But, sitting here in this eight by six feet jail cell, again, but “when it seems that I'm hopeless

You [all] say the words that can get me back in focus

To keep me happy there's no limit to the things you [all] did

And all my...memories

Are full of all the sweet things you [all] did for me

And even though I act crazy

I gotta thank the Lord that you [chose] me

There are no words that can express how I feel

You [all] never kept a secret, always stayed real

And all the extra love that you [all] gave me

I wish I could take the pain away

If you can make it through the night, there's a brighter day

Everything will be alright if you hold on

It's a struggle every day, gotta roll on

And there's no way I can pay you back

But my plan is to show you [all] that I understand

You are appreciated

Ladies, don't you know [I]love you?


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